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There might be no one who doesn’t know about the benefits of consuming cow ghee. If you belong to an Indian family there are a lot of benefits of Cow Ghee that you might have heard growing all these years. The cow ghee which is produced from the cow milk consist medicinal values and provides with several health benefits. It contains butterfat, water and milk proteins. The process of making cow ghee includes boiling of butter and then removing butterfat from it. Then the milk solids are removed away and the rest, which is left is known as the cow ghee. The benefits of consuming

Winter is a season which people like a lot. With new festivities around the corner, you are always up for celebrations. The toughest part is the lack of immunity, which some of us have and that makes us ill irrespective of how strong we are. As per Ayurveda, it is best to switch to some of the herbs which will turn the winters into a blissful season as you enjoy the festivities without having a runny nose or a hoarse throat. Describing some Doshas along with their treatment with the herb; To avert the danger of life, Patanjali Ayurved encourages people to keep a check on

Ayurveda has been known to heal the people by correcting their doshas and it work firmly on the basis of two structures, one is a  daily routine and second is daily diet. Talking about Daily routine or Dinacharya according to Ayurved, is all about bringing balance in life by diversifying the routine of our life in such a manner wherein we can give in space to everything. The flow of energy gets balanced along with reduction of doshas vata, pitta and kapha since Ayurved works on the body rhythmic system  and focuses on internal healing. At Patanjali yogpeeth, we train and

For healthy lifestyle we concentrate on natural products, as it does not produces any side-effects. Especially when winters turn “On” then these are ample of things to look after. In winters we all get lazy; the reason behind this can be weak immune system or cold weather. So for healthier mind and soul Patanjali delivers you wide range of products on which you can trust. The natural extracted ghee or herbal tea is quite familiar among us. Along with this Patanjali Chyawanprash, Badam Pak, Mossli Pak and other products are there which can provide you abundant benefits.

In your everyday goal, starting a day with healthy breakfast is absolutely a perfect idea. Adding Oats, Poha, corn flakes or high protein nutritious elements in your breakfast sounds like old wives. It is a fact that by making better choices you can get rid of unusual cravings. But for this, it is important to choose natural products so that can conserve energy. Today Patanjali eatables are known for natural ingredients, which can make your morning meal interesting. Talking about Patanjali Muesli Fruit & Nut, Choko flakes mix, and other food items they contain plentiful