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There might be no one who doesn’t know about the benefits of consuming cow ghee. If you belong to an Indian family there are a lot of benefits of Cow Ghee that you might have heard growing all these years. The cow ghee which is produced from the cow milk consist medicinal values and provides with several health benefits. It contains butterfat, water and milk proteins. The process of making cow ghee includes boiling of butter and then removing butterfat from it. Then the milk solids are removed away and the rest, which is left is known as the cow ghee. The benefits of consuming

When we talk about health benefits, then we talk about products which boost immunity and revitalize body functioning. For this you can trust on herbal products of Patanjali. It enhances your immune functioning by instantly targeting the allergens. Talking about Patanjali Chyawanprash is an all-time favourite product which can save you from diseases causing micro-organisms.  Undoubtedly we can say that for boosting immune system and body functioning it’s better to concentrate on food you eat as well as your healthy lifestyle.Health benefits of Patanjali Chyawanprash:1. Chyawanprash is

5 tips to reduce weight with Pure Honey Do you want to lose your weight? Honey is the best and natural source which will help you to reduce your weight. Everyone wants to have high-quality honey that may help to attain the desired goal. There are ample of companies that manufacture honey and Patanjali is one of them which is amongst the top manufacturers where you can buy pure honey online. They use the natural ways for extraction of honey from honeycombs.The process to reduce weight with honey;·         Honey is best to take with the warm

Everyone today is in worry due to weight gain issues. Junk food intakes, imbalanced hormones, sedentary lifestyles, taking medicines without a proper prescription, ill-timed eating routine are few of the many factors contributing toward weight gain. Every third person is an overweight. We really need to realise the importance of a healthy fit body. The busy, hectic, workaholic life of the town, wittingly or unwittingly makes one eat fried, fatty, tasty (for sure, they are!!) and most importantly, ready to eat food.  For such a calorie full meal to get digested, one needs to be aware